How To Connect WiFi Without Password

Connect Wifi Without Password

How to Connect WiFi Without Password Hassles

How to Connect WiFi Without Password Hassles – We all know the pain of connecting to Wi-Fi network without password. In this modern era, Wi-Fi is the primary medium of getting connected to internet world from our smartphones, laptops or any other devices. Since its first use in 1997, Wi-Fi technology is seen almost everywhere in advanced world, may it be homes, offices or any other places.

Wi-Fi networks provide us the facility of internet service with no hassle but sometimes when we want to connect WiFi without password, it can be a big headache. But no more as manufacturers of devices always look for ease of use, there are many ways to overcome this issue. So let’s check out how to get connected to a Wi-Fi network without putting the password.

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Connecting Wi-Fi Without a Password

Are you dying to connect to your neighbor WiFi network without entering the long password? Yes, today I am going to share some clever ways to connect to WiFi without password so that you can browse the internet without revealing your identity. So let’s check out some of the best free Wi-Fi apps and tricks to get connected to a open Wi-Fi network.

Wi-Fi Master

Wi-Fi Master is an amazing app with almost 5 million downloads around the globe. You need to root your Android smartphone to use its actual power. After rooting, Wi-Fi master will be able to detect the Wi-Fi network and copy its network password to quickly get connected. You can also share the copied password by email.


Instabridge provides a huge network of secure Wi-Fi hotspots around the globe. Instabridge comes with Wi-Fi detector which helps you to move away from inactive network and get connected easily without any setup. You can browse all the available networks and choose the one you want to get connected using Instabridge’s map and detailed measurements.

WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup)

WPS is a standard way to connect to Wi-Fi without facing the password hassles. You just need to press the WPS button on the router and the visitors will be able to connect without typing the long passwords. But keep in mind that this method requires physical access to the router.

Router Guest Mode

You can easily set up a guest network in your router which will provide visitors access without sharing the password of your original network. Although the guest network doesn’t provides strong security but its handy. Here’s how to set up one:

  1. Type the IP address of your router in the URL bar of your browser.
  2. Login with admin credentials.
  3. Go to wireless settings and enable guest network.
  4. Edit the guest network name (SSID) and save.
  5. You can also assign bandwidth limit for the guests.

_Tis a handy app for Android and iOS devices. You can download it from the Google Play Store or iTunes and find the closest free Wi-Fi hotspot and get connected easily.

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QR Code Magic

Who needs passwords? QR codes make Wi-Fi sharing easy. Here’s an example:

  1. Go to the QRStuff website.
  2. Choose “Wi-Fi Login” as the data type.
  3. Enter your network name (SSID) and password.
  4. Choose a color and create the QR code image.
  5. Print the QR code image and post it for all to see.

Your guests simply scan the QR code using any QR code app on their Android or iOS smartphone to connect to your Wi-Fi network.

Parting Shots of Wi-Fi

Though these tools can provide to methods to connect wifi without password but, don’t use them for illegal Wi-Fi sharing. Never allow unauthorized users to connect to your Wi-Fi network – it’s illegal and unethical. Protect your network using strong passwords and by refusing to allow unfamiliar devices to join your network. Keep your router’s firmware updated and consider disabling Wi-Fi on your office Ethernet port.

  • Local Wi-Fi networks can now broadcast Internet-style IP addresses to anyone connecting from a mobile device. No more remembering complex local IP addresses.

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